
Ducati Official Club Romania Statute


Ducati Official Club Romania aims to promote club members' passion for the Ducati brand, whether as owners or general enthusiasts. The statute seeks to maintain organizational order and provide a simple framework for resolving disputes, allowing the club to focus on enjoyment rather than procedure. The statute serves the members, not the other way around. All club actions should be guided by common sense, tolerance, and humour.

Article 1: Name

The club's name is Ducati Official Club Romania (DOC Romania). We are a non-profit community established under the provisions of Ducati Italy regarding Official D.O.C. Clubs and with the agreement of the official Ducati importer in Romania. DOC Romania and its members must comply with Romanian legislation and GDPR provisions.

Article 2: Legal Status and Fees

DOC Romania has no legal personality, is not a registered association, sports club, or foundation, and is not fiscally registered. It does not charge its members any fees.

Article 3: Objectives

The club aims to provide social, recreational, and educational opportunities for members and their guests through:

  • Regular meetings
  • Motorcycle trips in Romania and abroad
  • Technical sessions
  • Track days
  • Supporting responsible efforts to protect motorcyclists' rights
  • Promoting safe motorcycling
  • Charitable and community service projects
  • Engaging with other motorcycling organizations

Article 4: Membership

Section 1: Qualifications

Membership is open to anyone interested in Ducati motorcycles who subscribes to the club's objectives and agrees to abide by its regulations, regardless of race, creed, national origin, or gender. Membership can be obtained by applying in the "My Ducati" section on The club's leadership reserves the right to select members without being obligated to explain refusals.


Section 2: Membership Type

There is only one category of members - full members. Membership is open to anyone who applies according to Art. 3 Section 1 as a Ducati motorcycle owner, passenger, or fan of the brand.


Section 3: Membership Term

Standard membership is for 12 months from January 1 each year and can be renewed annually. Membership requires participation in at least three club activities per year.


Section 4: Revocation of Membership

Membership can be revoked as follows:

  • Automatically for not participating in at least three club activities per year.
  • By a majority vote of the Staff Members, provided the member whose membership is to be revoked has received at least two weeks' notice of the meeting's purpose and the grounds for the proposed revocation.


Any club member can initiate a revocation procedure by providing a written statement to the Club Secretary identifying the member proposed for expulsion and the grounds for the proposed expulsion. The basis can include but is not limited to, highly inappropriate social behaviour, intentional efforts to damage the club's reputation or undermine its purposes, or unsafe operation of a motorcycle during club rides or other events.

The person whose membership revocation is being discussed will be invited to attend the meeting and may respond to the charges personally, through a representative, or in writing. Other persons may speak for or against the revocation. Discussions on a proposed revocation will be limited to one hour, after which a vote will be taken. The vote is final, and the revocation will take effect immediately.

A person whose membership has been revoked may reapply for membership at the beginning of the year following the revocation. Any reapplication must include a statement that the applicant's membership was previously revoked and the reason. The reapplication may be rejected only by a unanimous vote of all Staff Members.

Article 5: Meetings

Section 1: Basic Principles of Meetings

There are several types of meetings:

  • Quarterly meetings of the Staff Members
  • Recreational meetings are open to all club members
  • Official meetings between club leadership and third parties

Meetings can be held at any time and place. The club's Secretariat will make prior notification of meetings via email, phone, website, WhatsApp group, etc. Recreational meetings will be announced at least 30 days in advance on the club's website.

Section 2: Recreational Meetings

Recreational meetings are the club's raison d'être. The club will organize one monthly outing according to the schedule posted on the club's website. The President will disseminate information about the details of the monthly trip.

At any activity involving motorcycle travel, riders or passengers must wear a helmet, jacket, long pants, gloves, and footwear, all approved for motorcycling. The club's leadership reserves the right to prohibit participation in events for those who do not comply with this provision. Only Ducati motorcycles may participate in official club outings.

All club members must have a valid Technical Inspection (I.T.P.) as required by Romanian law and valid Auto Liability Insurance (R.C.A.).

Other meetings/events may be scheduled as the members desire.

No member shall impose any information or other constraints on another member during any club meeting or event. For example, suppose some members wish to ride at a speed that makes others uncomfortable. In that case, those who feel uncomfortable have the right to communicate with the ride leader or another event leader, who must then make appropriate arrangements to ensure the comfort of all group members. In such a case, the group might be split into two, with a volunteer leading the second group.

The group will knowingly abandon no member. If a member cannot continue the trip for any reason, the rest of the group will ensure that the member has an appropriate recovery plan (e.g., another member on the road with a trailer to transport a defective motorcycle), does not need medical assistance, etc. The ride leader will make the final decision on the continuation of the trip.

The club may publish additional guidelines for rides or other events and may revise those guidelines as circumstances and experience justify.

Section 3: Staff Members Meetings/Quorum/Voting

At least three Staff member meetings will be held each calendar year. The agenda of the Board meetings will be distributed to members via email or the club's WhatsApp group at least two weeks before the meeting.

The president will chair meetings. A quorum consists of at least three of the four Staff members. Unless otherwise specified in these regulations, decisions will be made by a simple majority vote of the members present.

Article 6: Leadership

Section 1: General

Any office holder's duty is to manage the club in the general interest of the members and in accordance with the club's founding act, statute, and applicable law.

Section 2: Prohibition of Private Gain/Non-Use of Member List

No office holder or other club member shall use their position or membership for personal gain. The use of the club's member list for any purpose other than those related to the club's activities and actions is strictly prohibited. The member list shall not be used for advertising/marketing or retail or commercial sale of products or services but for exchanging club-related ideas, scheduling group outings, and updating club activities in compliance with GDPR provisions.

Section 3: Structure

DOC Romania is led by a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who represent the Staff Members. A simple majority vote of the Staff Members may appoint additional officers. Examples of such additional officers include Newsletter Editors, Road Captains, and Technical Officers. The creation of additional officers does not expand the number of Staff members. Similarly, permanent committees may be created by a majority vote. Committee chairs and members do not become Staff members by their committee service.

Section 4: Terms of Office

The term of office for all Staff members and other elected positions is two years. Each club member must hold at most one elective office at a time or the same elective office for at most five consecutive terms. The term runs from April 1 of the elected year to March 31 of the second year after the election. If any officer ceases to be a club member before the end of their term, a special election to fill the remainder of their term will be held at the next Staff Members meeting.

Section 5: Removal from Office

Any club member holding an office may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Staff Members, provided the person has been given written notice of the intention to remove them at least two weeks before the Board meeting.

Section 6: Committees

Upon establishment, each committee will elect its officers as it sees fit and keep its minutes, a copy of which will be sentto the Secretary within one week of each committee meeting.

Article 7: Elections

The club's leadership will be elected every two years, according to Art. 6 Section 4, by a two-thirds majority vote of the Staff Members.

Article 8: Unspecified Powers of the Staff Members

The Staff Members have the power to do anything not expressly prohibited by the preceding articles but must act in the members' best interests as specified in Article 6 Section 1.